Next Preorder/Sales Period: 11/13/24 - 11/20/24 || Orders will be shipped AFTER sales period ends



  • If you notice an error in your order (wrong item selected, wrong shipping address, etc.), and your order has not been shipped, you may contact us via email ([email protected]) and we'll be more than happy to get that fixed for you!
  • If you would like to cancel an order, you are free to do so if the order has not been shipped. We typically ship items the week after our store closes for the month. If your items have already shipped, unfortunately, we are unable to refund you, as we do not accept returns.


  • Please ensure that your address is accurate. If a package is sent back to us by the postal service due to an inaccurate address, you may contact us to have it shipped again with a shipping fee. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING YOUR ADDRESS IS ACCURATE. We understand it can be easy to mistype (Poppy has done this many times...), so please double-check your information!
  • We do NOT accept returns in any form otherwise. We may refund or resend any packages that are lost or damaged. Please check our section on damages and defect refunds for more information.


  • If any products are damaged in the shipping process, or if a product is defective (torn, severely misaligned, etc.) you may send photos of the damage/defect to us via email ([email protected]) and we will be more than happy to send you a new product for free (no additional shipping payment required). We will also do this for any items we may have missed or excluded during packing.
  • We will NOT honor refund requests for blind bag results. Unless the product is defective or damaged, we cannot send you another version. If you are unhappy with the item you received in the blind bag, we apologize, however the nature of a blind bag is that the result is randomized.